Colorful Cuba

August 21, 2019

In preparing for a new project, photographing the elder residents of St. Luke's Home to celebrate their lives and contributions to the community, I was reminded by a friend of a photograph that I took while on a trip to Cuba a few years ago. Los ancianos de cubano were at the community center outside of Havana, where people of all ages met to create art, play games or share a meal together.

IMG_3947Los ancianos de cubano. Here are some of my first impressions of Cuba, when we arrived in Havana in May, 2015:

The people, the culture, the music: everything was colorful, loud and exciting! Our first taste of Cuba started in the airport - hit by the heat and humidity as we waited on the jetway for the bus to take us the 20 yards to the terminal, we knew we weren't in Arizona any more. We were reminded of our mantra, "Esto es Cuba" - "This is Cuba" - as we waited an hour and a half for our luggage in a small, packed room, bustling with tourists from all parts of the world and Cuban-Americans visiting family accompanied by big screen TVs and  huge bundles wrapped in blue plastic. Walking out of the airport into a chaotic sea of people waiting to greet family members, we were plunged into the time warp that is Cuba.

Candy Colored CarsCandy Colored Cars Cuban BluesCuban Blues



The streets of Havana were bursting with color as vintage cars of all makes roared by.


To see more images from Cuba, click on one of the pictures.


To learn more about St. Luke's Home, visit their website:

I will be posting pictures from the "Don't Look Away" project in a few months.

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